miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Mothers' Day.

Dear Mothers: Our kids are preparing nice things for you, we know you are going to be so happy to see them.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Saint George and the dragon"

Dear Parents this is the story of Saint George and the Dragon, you can show your boy or girl if you want, so they can remember what we did at school.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Pre Kinder Deer- Birthday and telephone numbers.

N° NAMES BIRTHDAY Telephone n°
1 Arnao Maguiño Sebastián 15 FEBRERO 348-7242
2 Chomchey Rivera Talli 12 FEBRERO 2547388
3 Choque mejía Oscar Fabrizio 27 ENERO 7197872 / 7804666
4 Duarte Durant Valeria 07 ABRIL 266-3366
5 Guerrero y Paz Maitane 20 NOVIEMBRE 2755334
6 Harster Chávez María Fernand 30 MARZO 444-2519
7 Horna Lau María Lucïa 07 AGOSTO 2265834
8 Ilave García Erick 30 OCTUBRE 264-9047
9 Inga Barrera Enzo 21 DICIEMBRE 446-2003
10 Kherada Arsh
11 Loayza Aguilera Alvaro 10 FEBRERO 271-1082
12 Martínez Chirinos Abril 25 MAYO 447-6128
13 Roche Maestre Daniella 18 MARZO
14 Varela Rivera Rafaela 02 NOVIEMBRE 274-6172
15 Velasquez Cabellos Daniella Del Pilar 03 AGOSTO 2262065
16 Villar Murga Fabrizio Alonso 06 MAYO 470-0894
17 Zhao Frana Natalie 19 ABRIL 4441385
Miss: Lis Casas Gabaldoni.

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

"Nice Pictures"

"A funny fieldtrip"

These are some pictures from our visit to "El Remanso" in Chosica, it was very funny and we played a lot, boys and girls were very happy to be there and be in contact with plants, trees and all their friends.

"Bye, Bye .... Song"

Dear Deer: this is our Bye Bye song that we sing every day when is time to go home, please practice this whenever you want.

Bye Bye see you tomorrow
Bye Bye see you tomorrow
Bye Bye see you tomorrow
Bye Bye Bye.